Services Short Cue Wonders take the Riley

In the recently played Riley Shield Snooker Knockout, The Services Short Cue Wonders beat St Brelade Steelers at the First Tower Institute with the Services denying the Steelers of the League and Cup double.


Paul Destro   v   Steve Thomas

Services got off to a flier with Paul undoubtly having one of his best performances of the season. Getting a start off Steve of 14 per frame Paul played a very solid  couple of frames winning the first 81 – 41 and then continuing the form in the second with a 75 – 36 victory, giving the Services an overall lead of 79.


Lee Travers  v  Gary Boschat

In a much tighter affair and with both players off a handicap of +7, Gary made a solid start winning the first frame 57 – 36. However in the second Lee replied with a frame winning score of 69 – 53, meaning Gary won the overall match by just 5 points, only slightly decreasing the overall score of which Services were now 74 points ahead.


Ryan Swann v Sean MacDonald

With St Brelade looking to close the gap, next on the baize was Sean v Ryan. Giving Ryan 21 start Sean produced a very solid performance in winning both frames, 77 – 38 and 58 – 40, winning overall by 57 points and reducing the overall score to 17 points in favour of The Services.


Robbie Kilpatrick  v  Karl le Fevre

The final match of the evening was between Robbie and Karl with Karl giving the aforementioned 21 points per frame, effectively meaning he would need to win overall by 60 points to win the trophy. A very tight game ensued with Karl laying some excellent snookers, albeit with Robbie escaping these with even better shots!!!  Robbie won the first fram by 70 – 63 meaning going into the last frame, Karl needed to win by 45 points. However Robbie played a solid game and mainly kept Karl to minimal chances and with Robbie leading 44- 38 and with 1 red remaining, Karl conceded, meaning Services were crowned Champions.


Many thanks from the JBSA to First Tower for the use of their table for the final.