Hi All
Hope you had a good Christmas.
I can confirm that all the Billiard and Snooker draws have been made and are now on the Website.
Please note the following:
- All games to be played by the closing date stated for each round
- Please notify me on this email if delayed or by Whatsapp. No notification by the closing date will mean i will do a coin toss to see who goes through to the next round
- No player can commence their matches in any tournament unless they have paid their membership and entrance fee for that tournament.
- All results to be emailed to the JBSA results email address(this one) or you can Whatsapp/message me on 07797722408
With regards to outstanding Subs and tournament fees, having spoken to the Treasurer / President, any player that has not paid their subs will now not be permitted to play any future league games and their competitions until they have done so. As mentioned in my previous email, they are an important part of the JBSA’s income and on such a small turnover every penny counts. And it also is not fair on the members who are fully paid up. All those highlighted in yellow under membership paid are presently outstanding. All the entry fees under the respective tournament on the spreadsheet that are not highlighted are also outstanding.
If you pay online can you please email me here (preferably with a copy of the payment confirmation) i can update our records. If yiu need to pay over a couple of instalments then please notify me and I will let the Treasurer know. Payment details are as follows:
Subscription form and fees to be returned to the Treasurer, Byron Le Cornu, addressed to; Fair Cottage, Le Passage, St. Lawrence, JE3 1GP // Home: 01534 863731 // Mobile: 07797 715301 Cheques are to be made payable to “JB&SA” or payment can be made via bank transfer: To: Jersey Billiards & Snooker Association // Sort C: 20-45-05 // Acc No: 90530484 // Ref: JBSA 2022 23
On behalf of myself and the JBSA committee, we hope you all have a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all during the remainder of the season.
Kind regards
Karl Le Fevre
Tournament Secretary